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"The Empty Hand"

603 Karate's blog

Writer's picture603karate

Do This One Thing For Better Results

Have you ever heard this quote:

“You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.”

Carl Jung said that.  He’s one of the most famous psychologists of all time.  He knew a few things (as the picture above proves).

If I could only pick one sentence to use as my philosophy for life, this would be in the top 3 (if not first!).  

It’s that important.  

It can take years, even decades to build a reputation.  

It can take one small act to destroy it.

Fair?  Maybe not, but that’s life.  Things don’t have to be fair to be true.

The older I get, the more I forget.  I can write one of my famous sticky note reminders.  And I can put a reminder on my phone calendar.  But some things still escape my attention.

So, there are times I don’t do what I say I’ll do.  I’m not 100%.  And I’m willing to bet the brilliant Mr. Jung wasn’t either.  

While this causes me a moment of embarrassment from time to time, I believe I have built a reputation of a “do what I say I’ll do” person.  I’m proud of that.

As my years as a dojo owner tick by, there is a look I get from certain people I meet.  And when I get that look, I know what they are going to say before they even tell me their name.

It happened to me just last night.

I get the slow approach, a look of skepticism mixed with hope, and a carefully worded opening.  Sometimes, I stop the person and predict what they are going to say.

“You tried a Karate program somewhere else and it’s not living up to your expectations.”

I get a look as if I’m a mind reader.  I assure you I’m not.  I’ve just heard it a bunch.

Because they were told something.  And what they got was something completely different.  

So I’ll Tell You This Right Now

  • I’m not a behavior expert (or expert at anything).

  • Not every class is going to be awesome.

  • I forget things sometimes.

  • I’m in a cranky mood occasionally.

  • Some days, I just “don’t feel like it”.

  • I’ll call you by the wrong name a few times.

  • I have no special talents.  I’ve just hung around long enough to be good at a few things.

  • I actually think my jokes are funny.


  • I’m not a behavior expert BUT, there have been very few people I have not been able to connect with at the dojo.

  • Not every class is going to be awesome BUT, I work hard to make it awesome (and work extra hard when it doesn’t work out)

  • I forget things sometimes BUT…well, nothing.  I forget things sometimes.

  • I’m in a cranky mood occasionally BUT, you don’t come to the dojo to see what mood I’m in.  I keep it to myself 99% of the time.

  • Some days, I just “don’t feel like it” BUT, I love coming to the dojo to teach.  If I have an off day, I’m confident the next day will be better.

  • I’ll call you by the wrong name a few times BUT, remember…I forget things sometimes.  You can call me the wrong name sometimes if it will make you feel better.

  • I have no special talents.  I’ve just hung around long enough to be good at a few things AND, I can help anyone willing to learn to do the same.

  • I actually think my jokes are funny (just humor me from time to time).

These are the truths that I tell you.  I don’t know everything, but I likely know someone who knows what I don’t.  I’m not great at everything, but I can help the willing get better.  

I have something legitimate to offer.  I wouldn’t do this otherwise.  There’s no point in me telling you I can do something that I can’t.  

So, if you are one of those people who have been sold a bunch of garbage, and you’re feeling frustrated over this experience, but you see that the martial arts has a lot to offer…

There are solutions out there.

And believe me: I’m not the answer for everyone.  Before somebody starts training at the dojo, I want to know what they are looking for.  If they can be better served someplace else, I will gladly point them in the right direction.

But, if you’re looking for some honest instruction from a regular person, flaws and all, then we should talk.  

You are probably in the right place.

-john g

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