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The Student Creed
Remembering that martial arts begins and ends with respect:
1. I intend to develop myself in a positive manner and avoid anything that would reduce my mental growth or physical health.
2. I intend to develop self discipline in order to bring out the best in myself and others.
3. I will use what I learn in class, constructively and defensively, to help myself and my fellow man, and never be abusive or offensive.
The 8 Virtues of Uechi Ryu Karate
Indomitable Spirit
What style of karate do we study? What was the original name and its meaning?
Uechi Ryu is our style of karate. Pangai-noon (Pwong-Guy-Noon) is the Chinese name for the style we now study. It means “half hard, half soft.” It was renamed Uechi Ryu Karate in honor of Kanbun Uechi after his death in 1948. “Ryu” means “style”, so we practice Uechi style Karate.
Who was Kanbun Uechi? (May 5, 1877-November 25, 1948)
Kanbun Uechi was an Okinawan in whose honor this style of Karate is named. In 1897, Kanbun Uechi left Okinawa for China to study Chinese Boxing. He studied in Fukien province in Southern China for ten years. He was the first non-Chinese to teach in China, and taught there for a total of 3 years. He was in China for a total of 13 years. Kanbun left China and vowed never to teach Karate again after one of his students became involved in a fight over a land dispute and was forced to defend himself. The student killed the attacker in the process. Due to public scorn and shame over this matter, Kanbun left China and returned to Okinawa. Kanbun was convinced to begin teaching again while living in Japan by his first student there, an Okinawan named Ryuyu Tomoyose.
Who was Kanbun Uechi’s teacher?
Kanbun’s teacher was Chou-Tzo-Ho (Jo-Zu-Ho), also know as Shushiwa; also known as Shushabu.
Who was Kanei Uechi? (June 26, 1911–February 1991)
Kanei Uechi is the son of Kanbun Uechi. He was the first Okinawan Master to teach Uechi-Ryu Karate to westerners. Kanei’s teacher was Kanbun Uechi – his father. Kanei Uechi began to study Karate in 1927 at the age of 16. Kanei’s dojo was located in Futenma, Okinawa and was then operated by his son, Kanmei Uechi after his death.
Who is George Mattson?
George Mattson is the first American to teach Uechi-Ryu Karate in the United States and has written several authoritative texts pertaining to our style of Karate. Ryuko Tomoyose was his teacher. Ryuko was the son of Ryuyu, who was Kanbun’s first student when he returned to Okinawa. Sensei Mattson still practices and teaches Uechi Ryu in Florida.
Who was Kanmei Uechi? (died September 13, 2015)
Kanmei Uechi was the son of Kanei Uechi. He held the rank Kyudan 10th Degree Black Belt and was the President of the Uechi Ryu Karate Association.
Name the eight katas in our system.
Explain Min-Chin-Chi-Ryu
Term used by Kanbun to describe Pangainoon. It translates to “Speed with Glare.”
What are the three original katas of our system, what do their names mean?
Sanchin, “3 Conflicts”
Seisan, “13 Positions of Attack and Defense”
Sanseirui, “36 Positions of Attack and Defense”
What is our karate lineage?
Kanbun Uechi
Kanei Uechi
Ryuko Tomoyose
George Mattson
Buzz Durkin
Christian Maine
John Guarnieri
Dojo- translates to “place of the way”; training hall for martial arts
Gi- traditional uniform for martial arts
Obi- traditional sash or belt for martial arts
Sensei- teacher; “one who comes before”
Numbers in Japanese
Uechi Ryu History